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How do Window Locks Work | All You Need To Know 2023

Windows are one of the most common entry points for burglars to break into homes. That’s why window locks play a crucial role in securing your home. Window locks come in various styles and designs, and they all work differently.

   In this article, we will discuss how window locks work and the different types of window locks that you can choose from.

Understanding How Window Locks Work

Window locks work by securing the window sash to the window frame. When the lock is engaged, the window cannot open from the outside. Depending on the type of window lock, the mechanism may engage the sash in different ways.

Do specific Lock Types only works with Specific Window Types?

   Yes, specific lock types generally work best with specific window designs. For example, double-hung windows require sash locks that can secure the two sashes together, while sliding windows require cam locks that can secure the sash to the frame.

   Similarly, casement windows require pivot locks or hinged wedge locks, while awning windows require hook or awning locks. Using the wrong type of lock with a window can result in reduced security, or the lock may not even fit the window properly.

   Choosing a lock that works with your specific window type is important to ensure the best security and functionality. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the lock is properly installed to work as intended.

Types of Window Locks

Types of Window Locks

   There are several types of window locks available on the market. Let’s look at the most common types of window locks and how they work.

1. Sash Locks

   Sash locks are one of the most common types of window locks. They are usually found on double-hung windows with two sashes that slide up and down. Sash locks work by latching the two sashes together when the window is closed. The lock must disengage to open the window.

   Sash locks are usually made of metal and are secured to the sash with screws. The latch is connected to a striker plate mounted to the window frame. When the sashes are closed, the latch engages with the striker plate, holding the two sashes together.

2. Cam Locks

   Cam locks are another common type of window lock. They are usually found on sliding windows with one sash that slides horizontally. Cam locks work by securing the sash to the window frame using a metal plate with a cam-shaped lever.

   When the cam lever is turned, the metal plate is pulled tight against the sash, holding it in place. The cam lever is turned back to its original position to release the lock. Cam locks are usually made of metal and are secured to the sash with screws.

3. Pivot Locks

   Pivot locks are typically found on casement windows, hinged at the side and swing open like a door. Pivot locks work by securing the window sash to the frame using a metal bracket that is attached to the frame.

   The bracket has a pivot that engages with a slot in the sash, holding it in place. To release the lock, the pivot is disengaged from the slot. Pivot locks are usually made of metal and are secured to the frame with screws.

4. Hinged Wedge Locks

   Hinged wedge locks are similar to pivot locks, but they are designed for awning windows, which are hinged at the top and swing open from the bottom. Hinged wedge locks secure the window sash to the frame using a metal wedge attached to the frame.

   The wedge is inserted between the sash and the frame, holding the sash in place. To release the lock, the wedge is removed. Hinged wedge locks are usually made of metal and are secured to the frame with screws.

5. Keyed Locks

   Keyed locks are another common type of window lock. They work by using a key to lock and unlock the window. Keyed locks can use on any type of window, but they are most commonly found on casement windows.

   Keyed locks are usually made of metal and are secured to the window frame with screws. The key is inserted into the lock and turned to engage or disengage the lock.

Choosing the Right Window Lock

Choosing the Right Window Lock

   Choosing the right window lock is important to ensure your windows are secure. There are several factors to consider when choosing a window lock, including the type of window, the level of security required, and the ease of use.

   For example, if you have double-hung windows, you must choose a sash lock to secure the two sashes together. A cam lock will be a better option if you have sliding windows, as it can secure the sash to the frame.

   If you live in a high crime area, you may want to choose a keyed lock or a combination lock, as they offer the highest level of security. Keyed locks require a key to open and close, which makes them more secure than other types of locks. Combination locks, on the other hand, require a specific code to open and close, which makes them very difficult for burglars to bypass.

   If you have children or older people in your home, you may want to choose a lock that is easy to use. Cam locks are usually the easiest to use, requiring only a simple lever turn to lock and unlock.

Tips for Using Window Locks

   To ensure that your window locks are effective, you should follow some basic tips for using them:

  • Make sure that all of your windows are equipped with locks. Even if you have a few difficult windows, it’s important to secure them with locks to prevent burglars from using them as entry points.
  • Always lock your windows when you leave your home. Even if you’re only going out for a few minutes, it’s important to lock your windows to prevent burglars from gaining access.
  • Keep your windows locked at night. Burglars are likelier to target homes with open windows at night, as they provide an easy entry point.
  • Consider installing security screens on your windows. Security screens are an additional layer of protection that can prevent burglars from breaking through the glass and gaining access to your home.

Comparison Table of Window Locks

Lock TypesFeaturesBenefitsWindow Types
Sash locksSecure two sashes together, easy to operate, and come in a range of stylesGood all-around optionDouble-hung windows
Cam locksSecure sash to frame, easy to operateGood for sliding windows, less visible than other lock typesSliding windows
Pivot locksA secure casement window allows for ventilationDifficult to tamper with, work well with casement windowsCasement windows
Hinge wedge locksA secure casement window, easy to installSimple and effective, easy to useCasement windows
Keyed locksRequire key to operate, high level of securityExcellent for high-crime areas and can be used with different window typesAny type of window
Combination locksRequire specific code to operate, high level of securityExcellent for high-crime areas and can be used with different window typesAny type of window

This table is not an exhaustive list of all types of window locks, but it covers some of the most common options. The right type of window lock for your home will depend on the type of windows you have, the level of security you require, and your personal preferences.

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What is ANSI in Window Locks?

What is ANSI in Window Locks

   ANSI stands for the American National Standards Institute, a private, non-profit organization that develops and promotes voluntary consensus standards. In the context of window locks, ANSI has developed a set of standards for testing and evaluating the strength and effectiveness of window locks.

   The ANSI standard for window locks is known as the ASTM F2090-17 Standard Specification for Window Fall Prevention Devices with Emergency Escape (Egress) Release Mechanisms. This standard sets forth minimum requirements for the strength, durability, and operation of window locks and includes testing procedures to ensure that locks meet these requirements.

   Window locks that meet the ANSI standard are generally considered high quality and provide a high level of security. When shopping for window locks, it’s a good idea to look for products that meet the ANSI standard to ensure that you get a quality product that has been tested and evaluated to meet industry standards.

Types of Lock Grades

   In addition to the ANSI standard for window locks, there are also lock grades that indicate the strength and durability of a lock. Lock grades are assigned by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and are based on a series of tests that evaluate the strength and durability of a lock.

   There are three types of lock grades: Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3. Here’s all of these three are elaborated:

  • Grade 1: Grade 1 locks are the strongest and most durable. They are designed for heavy-duty commercial and institutional use and must meet rigorous testing requirements for strength, durability, and resistance to attack. Grade 1 locks are generally considered to provide the highest level of security and are recommended for use in high-risk areas.
  • Grade 2: Grade 2 locks are designed for light commercial and heavy residential use. They are not as strong or durable as Grade 1 locks but still provide a good level of security for most applications. Grade 2 locks must meet specific testing requirements for strength, durability, and resistance to attack.
  • Grade 3: Grade 3 locks are designed for residential use and are the least durable of the three. They are suitable for use in low-risk areas and must meet specific testing requirements for strength, durability, and resistance to attack.

   When shopping for window locks, it’s a good idea to look for products that have been tested and certified to meet one of these lock grades to ensure that you get a high-quality product that provides the level of security you need.

Do all Rooms Need Window Locks?

   In most cases, it’s a good idea to install window locks in all home rooms, especially those on the ground floor or easily accessible from the outside. That is because windows are a common entry point for intruders, and having window locks can help to deter or prevent break-ins.

   However, there may be some situations where window locks are unnecessary, such as on the upper floors of a multi-story building or in rooms that are not easily accessible from the outside. In general, the decision to install window locks should be based on the level of security needed and the likelihood of a break-in occurring.

   It’s also important to consider other security measures, such as door locks, security cameras, and alarm systems, to ensure the overall safety of your home. A combination of security measures can provide the best protection against intruders and help to give you peace of mind.

Do all Window Locks Safe?

   While window locks are an important security feature for any home, not all window locks are equally safe. Some locks may be more secure than others, depending on the type of window, the level of security required, and other factors.

   It’s important to choose a lock that is appropriate for your specific needs and to ensure that it is properly installed. For example, a basic sash lock may be suitable for a low-risk area but may not provide enough security for a home in a high-crime area. A keyed or combination lock may be a better option in such cases.

   Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the lock is properly installed and in good working condition to provide the intended level of security. So, window locks can be a useful security feature when used properly.

   But it’s important to choose the right type of lock for your specific needs and take other security measures, such as installing security cameras or alarms, to ensure the safety of your home.


How can you keep your window open but secure?

   There are a few ways to keep your window open for ventilation while still ensuring that it is secure:

  • Use a window stop: A window stop is a device that allows you to limit the opening of your window to a safe and secure position. This can prevent the window from opening too wide while allowing air to circulate.
  • Install a window lock with a ventilation option: Some windows are designed to allow the window to be partially opened for ventilation while remaining locked. This can be a good option for those who want to keep their windows open while maintaining security.
  • Install a security screen: A security screen is a metal mesh screen installed over the window to prevent intruders from gaining access. These screens are typically made from heavy-duty materials and can be locked in place to prevent removal.
  • Use a window alarm: A window alarm is a small device attached to the window and sounds an alarm if the window is opened or tampered with. This can be a good option for those who want to keep their window open and be alerted if someone tries to gain access.

   It’s important to note that while these measures can help keep your window open for ventilation while still maintaining security, it’s always a good idea to take other security measures, such as locking your doors, installing security cameras, and keeping valuables out of sight. A combination of security measures can provide the best protection for your home and give you peace of mind.

Which security window lock is best for your home?

   The best security window lock for your home will depend on several factors, including the type of windows you have, your budget, and the level of security you require. Here are some things to consider when choosing a window lock:

  • Window type: Different types of windows may require different types of locks. For example, double-hung windows may require sash locks, while sliding windows may require sliding windows. It’s important to choose a lock specifically designed for your window type to ensure that it fits properly and provides the best level of security.
  • Strength and durability: Look for window locks made from high-quality materials that have been tested for strength and durability. Choosing a lock that has been certified to meet a specific lock grade (such as Grade 1, Grade 2, or Grade 3) can also ensure that you get a high-quality product.
  • Ease of use: A window lock that is difficult to use may not be effective if it is not used properly. Look for window locks that are easy to operate and can be installed and removed quickly if necessary.
  • Additional features: Some window locks may have additional features, such as alarms, ventilation options, or compatibility with home automation systems. Consider whether these features are important to you when choosing a lock.  

   Ultimately, the best security window lock for your home will meet your specific needs and provide the level of security you require. It’s a good idea to research different types of locks, read reviews from other homeowners, and consult a security professional if you are unsure about which lock to choose.

What is the safest window lock?

   There is no one window lock that is universally considered to be the safest. However, deadbolts, sash locks, keyed locks, and window pins are commonly considered effective at providing a high level of security.

   The best lock for your home will depend on your individual needs and circumstances, such as the type of windows you have and your budget. It’s important to choose a lock made from high-quality materials that are easy to use and provide the level of security you require.

Are there child safety locks available?

   Yes, several types of window locks are designed with child safety in mind. These locks are designed to prevent children from accidentally opening windows and falling out, a common cause of serious injuries and fatalities.

   One type of child safety lock is a window wedge, which is a small plastic or metal wedge that can insert into the window track to prevent the window from being opened beyond a certain point. Another type is a window guard, a metal or plastic grille installed over the window to prevent children from accessing it.

   Some window locks also have built-in child safety features, such as buttons that need to be depressed or turned to open the window. It’s important to choose a child safety lock specifically designed for the type of window you have and installed properly to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Do window locks stop burglars?

   Window locks can be an effective deterrent to burglars, as they make it more difficult for intruders to gain access to your home through windows. A locked window can be a physical barrier that slows down or stops a would-be burglar from gaining entry, giving you more time to react or call for help.

   However, it’s important to remember that window locks are not foolproof and should be used in conjunction with other security measures, such as an alarm system, security cameras, and motion-activated lighting.

   Additionally, some window locks may be more effective than others at stopping burglars, depending on factors such as the strength and durability of the lock, the type of window it is installed on, and the level of skill and determination of the intruder.

   To maximize the effectiveness of your window locks, it’s important to choose high-quality locks designed to provide a high level of security, install them properly, and use them consistently. Moreover, you should consider other security measures to supplement your window locks and make your home less attractive to burglars.

How do you lock a window lock?

   The process for locking a window lock will vary depending on the type of lock you have. Some locks may have a keyhole that you need to turn to engage the lock, while others may have a latch that you need to press down or slide into place.

   Still, others may have a button or lever that you need to activate to secure the window. To lock a window, you should first ensure that the window is closed and in the desired position. Then, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for engaging the lock, which may involve turning a key, pressing a button, or moving a latch into place.

Wrapping Up

   Window locks play a crucial role in securing your home. They work by securing the window sash to the window frame, and there are several types of locks available, including sash locks, cam locks, pivot locks, hinged wedge locks, and keyed locks.

   When choosing a window lock, you should consider the type of window, the level of security required, and the ease of use. By following some basic tips for using window locks, you can ensure that your home is protected from burglars and other intruders.

   Many thanks!


Combining his passion for security and technology, Joseph is dedicated to providing reliable and affordable combination padlocks to help protect your valuables. With years of experience in the industry, Joseph brings his expertise to to ensure your peace of mind.

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